PinnedLocking Down Consistency: Mastering Two-Phase Locking (2PL) for Robust Database IntegrityIn today’s fast-paced digital world, databases form the backbone of many business operations, managing vast amounts of transactions in…Nov 11Nov 11
Building a Reliable Notification Service: Solving Duplication and Scaling IssuesBuilding a scalable notification system to handle retries, avoid duplicates and ensure reliability.Oct 22Oct 22
Elasticsearch Architecture X: Exploration of the Inverted IndexInverted index is a sophisticated data structure, plays a crucial role in enabling Elasticsearch’s full-text search functionalities.Aug 3Aug 3
The V8 Engine Series II: Bytecodes Vs Machine CodesThis article explores the reasons behind V8’s use of bytecodes, their evolution, and the advantages they offer in terms of memoryJun 20Jun 20
The V8 Engine Series I: ArchitectureThe V8 engine, an open-source project by Google, revolutionizes the execution of JavaScript and WebAssembly in modern web browsers.Jun 19Jun 19
Design Patterns and Architecture Behind JavaScript PromisesJavaScript Promises are essential for managing asynchronous operations like API calls and file operations efficiently in web development.May 8May 8
Data Injection: Strategies for Seamless Client-Server IntegrationUnveiling the Art of Efficient Data Flow in Cloud EnvironmentsMar 29Mar 29
Published inDev GeniusElasticsearch Architecture IX: Document Versioning & Optimistic Concurrency ControlLet me share something about Elasticsearch that I haven’t covered previously, but don’t worry, I’ll explain it in a friendly and…Jun 17, 2023Jun 17, 2023